Wednesday, December 23, 2020

#Christmas Greetings to one and all!!!

 #Christmas Greetings to one and all!!! #BreastCancerCongress2021 , #Breastcancer2021& #IWBCT2021 wishing you and your family a year full of #happiness and good #health! #Merry #Christmas! Stay healthy and safe. It is the time to indulge and make #merry but make sure to wear your #mask and avoid large #gatherings.

Great News is here!!!! Enroll yourself for #BreastCancerCongress2021 #Conference during #September 06-08, 2021 at #London #UK by availing the #Christmas Offer!!! Hurry Before the offer period runs out, #Register for the scientific sessions @ #BreastCancerCongress2021 #Conference & kindly submit #abstract for #Oral/#poster #Breast_Cancer_Risk_Factors #BreastAwareness #breast_cancer_survival #breast_cancer_risk #breast_cancer_conference #Mammograms

Great News is here!!!! Enroll yourself for #BreastCancerWebinar2021 #IWBCT2021 #Webinar during #March 08-09, 2021  by availing the #Christmas Offer!!! Hurry Before the offer period runs out, #Register for the scientific sessions @ #IWBCT2021 #VirtualConference & kindly submit #abstract for #Oral/#poster #Breast_Cancer_Risk_Factors #BreastAwareness #breast_cancer_survival #breast_cancer_risk #breast_cancer_conference #Mammograms #COVID19 #CORONA #safety #FaceMask

Enroll yourself for #BreastCancer2021 #Conference during #September 20-22, 2021 at #Sanfrancisco #USA by availing the #Christmas Offer!!! Hurry Before the offer period runs out, #Register for the scientific sessions @ #BreastCancer2021 #USA#Conference & kindly submit #abstract for #Oral/#poster #Breast_Cancer_Risk_Factors #BreastAwareness #breast_cancer_survival #breast_cancer_risk #breast_cancer_conference #Mammograms

Thursday, December 3, 2020

COVID-19's Impact on Breast Cancer Care


The respiratory illness commonly referred to as coronavirus and officially called COVID-19 has changed life, COVID-19 viral pandemic responsible for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) disease has dramatically impacted management of patients in terms of diagnosis and surgical treatment of cancer - including breast cancer. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that the risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 is low for most people. However, it’s very important to know that people who are currently diagnosed with cancer, including breast cancer, have a higher risk of severe illness if they get COVID-19. Some breast cancer treatments including chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and immunotherapy can weaken the immune system and possibly cause lung problems. People who have weakened immune systems or lung problems have a much higher risk of serious complications if they become infected with this Corona virus. People with breast cancer that has metastasized (spread) to the lungs also can have lung problems that may get worse if they develop COVID-19. This higher risk for serious complications from COVID-19 for people currently diagnosed with cancer likely is because having cancer puts a strain on the body and also because certain treatments can cause people to become immune compromised (have a weakened immune system) or have lung problems. Some chemotherapy medicines and targeted therapies can also cause lung problems, which could put people at higher risk for serious COVID-19 complications.

Register for the scientific sessions @ #IWBCT2021 during #March 08-09 & #Breastcancercongress2021 during #September 06-08 in #London, #UK & #Breastcancer2021 #Conference during #September 20-22, in #Sanfrancisco, #USA & kindly submit #abstract for #Oral/poster #Breast-Cancer-Risk-Factors #Awareness #Breast #Cancer #Therapies #breast_cancer_patients #breast_cancer_research_and_treatment #breast_cancer_survival #breast_cancer_risk #breast_cancer_conference #Mammograms #Mastectomy #chemotherapy

For more information:

Email @

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Breast Cancer Webinar during March 08-09, 2021


Breast Cancer  #webinar is proud to have your #talk at our official "International Webinar on Breast Cancer and Therapy” scheduled during March 08-09, 2021 with the theme "Exploring new Frontiers in Breast Cancer and Therapies" to exchange ideas on current health issues and latest developments in the field of Breast Cancer research and therapies in this #pandemic situation. 

A 20-minute discussion of your work along with a 10-minute question and answer session would add so much to the intellectual landscape of our Webinar #IWBCT2021. Please mark your #calendars and save the dates for our meeting.


Breast Cancer symptoms


Breast Cancer Treatment

Male Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Types

Breast Cancer Nursing

Breast Cancer Research

Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast Cancer Clinical trials

Breast Cancer Surgery

Breast Cancer Chemotherapy

COVID 19 impact on Breast Cancer


 Webinar benefits offered:

  1. By registering for webinar, you get e-certification along with soft copy of conference proceedings.
  2. Your full paper will be published in our Breast Cancer Journal.
  3. You get direct discount of 30% on #BreastCancerConference scheduled at #London, #UK during September 06-08, 2021.
  4. Hard copy of Conference Souvenir, ID card and #certificate
  5. Online publication of the# abstract in the #conference website
  6. Proceeding with the unique #DOI given
  7. Exclusive Speaker Pages in relation in conference website for all the speakers
  8. International #Networking
  9. Scientific Association, Collaboration and more..!

For more details:  Webinar website:

Sunday, March 8, 2020


To all the strong and amazing women all over the world, Happy International Women's Day. So inspiring to see women leading some of the largest and most innovative business teams. Great wishes for women everywhere from #Breast_Cancer_Congress_2020 , #Zurich, #Switzerland #InternationalWomensDay #HappyWomensDay2020 #Eradicate #Breast #Cancer

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Breast Cancer Congress in Zurich Switzerland Keynote Speaker

Breast Cancer Congress 2020 heartily welcomes #YunGong, #Professor of #Pathology, MD Anderson Cancer Center in #USA you to join as a #Keynote #speaker at #Breast #Cancer #Congress #2020 which is a 3 days event in #Zurich, #Switzerland in the month of #June.

For more details please follow the link:    
For queries and details contact us:
#Breast_Cancer_congress_2020 #Zurich #Switzerland #June15-17_2020 #KeynoteSession #breastcancer  #breastcancertreatment #malebreastcancer #breastsurgery #chemotherapy #breastcancerresearch #breastdisease #Immunotherapy #Tumor #mastectomy #carcinoma #Breast_conference  #Oral_sessions

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Breast Cancer Treatment: Harm with Vitamin Supplements

A new study suggests that patients with breast cancer who take additional vitamins during chemotherapy treatment may face increased risks. Researchers said the use of dietary supplements that increase levels of antioxidants; iron, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids appeared to lower the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Some doctors have been advising patients for a number of years not to take antioxidants during chemotherapy. In the earlier research, people who took part were asked about their use of supplements at the beginning of and during treatment, and about their lifestyle, diet and exercise. The researchers searched for other possibilities that might increase the risk of the disease reappearing or of death. They found that patients who took any supplements at the beginning of and during chemotherapy were 41 % more likely to have their breast cancer return than those who did not. In addition, the supplement takers were 40 % more likely to die later on compared to patients using no supplements. The supplements included vitamin A, C and E. Those taking vitamin B12 and iron supplements were at greater risk of cancer returning, the researchers said. Women taking vitamin B12 were 83 % more likely to experience a return of their disease and 22 % more likely to die from it than those not taking those supplements. Those taking omega-3 supplements were 67% more likely to have the disease return. That percentage rose to 79 for those taking iron supplements.

For more details please follow the link:    
For queries and details contact us:
#Breast_Cancer_congress_2020 #Zurich #Switzerland #June15-17_2020 #breastcancer  #breastcancertreatment #malebreastcancer #breastsurgery #chemotherapy #breastcancerresearch #breastdisease #Immunotherapy #Tumor #mastectomy #carcinoma #Breast_conference #Keynote #Oral_sessions