Monday, December 30, 2019

Breast Cancer & Diet

35 per cent of cancers are linked to dietary factors and while no single food can prevent the disease, the right combination can make a difference. A leading nutrition expert has revealed the four nutrients that should be part of your diet which comes with cancer-fighting benefits. A diet rich in phenolic antioxidants is important to help rid the body of free radicals before they damage the cells. Phenolics are plant-based compounds that when activated in their absorbable forms may help prevent inflammation, cardiovascular diseases and infections. Scientific evidence has shown one of the most promising sources of phenolics have been found in apples - proving the adage, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Phenolics in apples, specifically phloretin, can slow down the growth of some cells in certain types of cancer. Folate (B9 Vitamin) should be included as part of a healthy diet as it may help protect against cancers of the colon, rectum and breast. The best way to get folate is not from a tablet, but by eating enough fruits, vegetables, and enriched grain products. One research has shown people who have a high fibre diet were 20 per cent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who don't. Omega 3 and 6, can only be ingested through food and should be included as part of a diet as a preventative measure for certain types of Cancers. Soy Phytoestrogens are relatively weak estrogens, and when they attach to estrogen receptors in, say, breast tissue, they displace the stronger, harmful human estrogens, resulting in a lower risk of breast cancer. Consumption of walnuts may help suppress growth and survival of breast cancer, a study claims. Consumption of walnuts has slowed breast cancer growth and reduced the risk of mammary cancer in mice. High-fat diets and obesity have been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer and worsen outcomes and prognosis of breast cancer patients, fatty particles in the bloodstream may augment the growth of breast cancer cells. An analysis of the women’s diets showed those who consumed the most red meat (beef, veal, pork, lamb, game meats) had a 23% higher risk of being diagnosed with invasive breast cancer than those who consumed small amounts. By contrast, the women who consumed the most poultry (lean chicken, turkey, duck, goose, quail and pheasant) had a 15% lower risk than those who consumed the least poultry. The effects were particularly striking in post-menopausal women.

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Monday, December 23, 2019

Breast Cancer Treatment

Whether vitamin and mineral supplements, in particular the type known as antioxidants, help or hurt cancer patients is a matter of debate and duelling research findings. Some evidence suggests that antioxidants can interfere with the cancer-killing effects of chemotherapy. That's because these chemical treatments cause oxidative stress, a chemically-triggered reaction in the body, which in turn kills cancer cells. But antioxidants fight oxidative stress, which means they can blunt the effects of chemotherapy. At the same time, a few studies, such as Fuchs,' show benefits to cancer patients who take dietary supplements.

The aromatase inhibitor (AI) anastrozole maintained a preventive effect for postmenopausal women at high risk for breast cancer nearly 12 years after discontinuing treatment. The residual cancer burden (RCB) is assessed through several factors, including routine pathologic sections measuring the size of the primary tumor, the percentage of the tumor that is invasive versus in situ, and the involvement of regional lymph nodes after completion of neo adjuvant therapy. Breast cancer patients who take the dietary supplements known as antioxidants, as well as iron, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids, during chemotherapy may be at increased risk of disease recurrence and death, according to new study.

A study from researchers revealed that MRI and an algorithm-based field of medicine called radiomics could help characterize the heterogeneity of cancer cells in a tumor and allow for better understanding of the causes and progression of individual diseases. Retrospectively analyzed scans from a clinical trial conducted from 2002 to 2006 showed that the algorithm was able to successfully predict recurrence-free survival after 10 years. For each woman, a “signal enhancement ratio” map was generated, offering imaging features that helped understand the relationship between those features, conventional biomarkers and patient outcomes.

Prevention is simple. Commit to regular exercise for five days a week, invest in hobbies/leisure activities that help keep a check on mounting stress levels, avoid smoking, and regulate the intake of alcohol. For women above 40 years of age, regular breast examination with a mammogram is recommended once every two years. In high-risk cases, it is advisable to complete the family before long and get the ovaries removed if possible. This reduces the risk of ovarian cancer and breast cancer by more than 50 per cent. Chemo preventive medications are also known to mitigate the risk.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Male Breast Cancer

Just like all other cancers, breast cancer is also lifestyle-related; the increase in cases of breast cancer is due to lifestyle changes. So lifestyle changes like late marriages, then having kids at a later age, sometimes followed by no breastfeeding, all these are the known risk factors along with a lot of stress and our poor eating habits. It is now very common to see breast cancer in people who are in their 30’s or 40’s. Whenever we talk about cancer treatment, we generally focus on two major stages. One is the local treatment and the other is the systemic treatment. Local means treating only the area where the disease occurs, through surgery or radiation. Systemic is when treatment is given through oral tablets or by injecting medicine in the bloodstream, thereby affecting the entire body. There have been many advances in these areas. Like in terms of surgical treatment, many are opting for organ preservation and also the techniques for breast reconstruction have significantly improved. Similarly, you have less toxicity in radiation now and regarding systemic treatment, we have much more neo molecules, better molecules and there have been much advancement in targeted therapy and immunotherapy as well.

Male breast cancer is different from breast cancer in females, one difference is that when breast cancer occurs in males, it is generally at an advanced stage and the size of the lump is also bigger. 40% of male breast cancer cases receive a diagnosis at an advanced stage. Even educated men are not aware that breast cancer can occur in males also. Since the breast tissue is less in males, the tumor tends to invade the skin and the chest wall earlier as compared to females. This is because there is not much breast tissue. So when you have a bigger breast, the tumor tends to invade the skin later. That is why we say that by the time it comes in males, it reached an advanced stage.

The major reason behind the delay in early detection is lack of awareness. Factors that increase the risk of male breast cancer include:

Old age: The risk of breast cancer increases as you age. Male breast cancer is most often diagnosed in men in their 60s.

Exposure to estrogen: If you take estrogen-related drugs, such as those used for hormone therapy for prostate cancer, your risk of breast cancer increases.

Family history of breast cancer: If you have a close family member with breast cancer, you have a greater chance of developing the disease.

Klinefelter’s syndrome: This genetic syndrome occurs when boys are born with more than one copy of the X chromosome. Klinefelter's syndrome causes abnormal development of the testicles. As a result, men with this syndrome produce lower levels of certain male hormones (androgens) and more female hormones (estrogens).

Liver disease certain conditions, such as cirrhosis of the liver, can reduce male hormones and increase female hormones, increasing your risk of breast cancer.

Obesity: Obesity is associated with higher levels of estrogen in the body, which increases the risk of breast cancer.

Testicle disease or surgery: Having inflamed testicles (orchitis) or surgery to remove a testicle (orchiectomy) can increase your risk of male breast cancer.

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Monday, December 9, 2019

Hair dyes and straighteners may increase breast cancer risk

Using permanent hair dye and/or hair straightening products may increase one’s risk of developing breast cancer, a new study claims. The risk was found to particularly impact black women based on data from more than 46,700 women who participated in the Sister Study. All of the women were likewise at genetic risk of developing breast cancer, which is itself a risk factor. It was also revealed that white women who dyed their hair had a seven percent higher chance of getting breast cancer. Black women who dyed their hair, however, had a 45 percent increased risk. One of the hypotheses is that products marketed to dye a black woman's hair might be different than the products used for white women's hair. It's also possible that the application method or the amount of dye required might be influencing the difference.

Research on this topic is vast but has been, until recently, fairly inconclusive, with some studies showing risk and others showing no risk. The latest study points toward more recent research that has found increased risk of developing both breast cancer and bladder cancer in association with permanent hair dye. Fewer studies have looked into the cancer risks of chemical hair straighteners, however, which are most commonly used by black women. The use of these products may explain why breast cancer risk was found to be substantially higher in women of African descent versus white women. Questions remain, such as what influence the frequency of use has on risk, as well as whether it’s potentially safer to use hair dyes and highlighters that do not contact the skin. As with any observational study, it is impossible to determine whether or not a factor is causal. The observed relationship might be dependent on other factors that the analysis could not account for. Another potential issue is that every participant in the study had at least one first-degree relative who has experienced breast cancer.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Recent Advancements in Breast Cancer

Breast tumors have a highly diverse cellular makeup that includes cancer cells, endothelial cells, immune cells, fibroblasts, adipocytes and stem progenitors. Cancer researchers have focused heavily on progenitor cells in recent years due to their tendency to differentiate into a specific type of cell, similar to stem cell behaviour. The dynamic interactions among these different cell types via paracrine signalling have been shown to lead to cancer progression and drug resistance.

Cancers detected in women who undergo annual mammography screening are smaller and less advanced than those found with biennial screening, according to a retrospective study.
Annual screening, in comparison to biennial screening, resulted in a significant reduction of late-stage disease among women age 40-84 years. Additionally there were fewer interval cancers and smaller tumor size. Two hundred women (86%) underwent mammography screening annually (every nine to 12 months), while 32 (14%) had biennial screening (every 21 to 27 months). There were no marked differences in baseline characteristics between the annual and biennial groups, including age, menopausal status, hormone replacement use, high risk status, family history and race.

Patients who previously received radiotherapy (RT) for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) had higher mortality after developing an invasive second breast cancer (SBC) than those who did not receive RT. This research may influence clinical decision-making regarding initial therapy for DCIS and highlights the importance of a discussion with each patient before treatment, taking into account individual patient characteristics and preferences. Researchers found that radiation for DCIS is prophylactic; it reduces the risk of invasive recurrence, while also increasing the probability of eventual mastectomy. This research also suggested that personal patient preferences should drive decision-making. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, according to the American Cancer Society. In 2019, it is estimated that about 62,930 new cases of carcinoma in situ will be diagnosed and 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women.

Researchers identify key protein required for therapeutic resistance in aggressive breast cancer. The researchers observed that the onset of resistance to the two most common drugs deployed against TNBC is associated with changes in the shape of the cancer cells and the manner in which they process fat. The cells are able to store fat droplets that they can exploit as a source of energy to fight off the effects of chemotherapy. These cells were also seen to develop a dependence on the protein perilipin4, which is highly expressed in resistant tumors. The protein is used by the cancer cell to stabilize the fat droplet, which would otherwise leak free fat into the cell, which is toxic to it and would kill the cell.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Breast Cancer Nursing: Breast Care Awareness

Breast cancer continues to threaten women’s health all over the world despite the many advances in treatments in recent years. Nurses need to actively use their health training and counsellor roles to educate women about risk factors for #breast #cancer and ways to reduce them. Breast care nursing has a varied role which can range from breast care awareness for people without breast cancer to assisting those with a breast cancer diagnosis, and helping patients going through #surgery, #chemotherapy, #radiation_therapy, #adjuvant therapy, and in the event of any recurrence of the #disease. Since the 1970s breast cancer services have witnessed considerable changes in the management of #patients. One significant change was the introduction of specialist core personnel, including the breast care nurse. Cancer nurses including the #BCNs should develop and participate in programmes of research in line with cancer legislation in order to build an evidence base that ultimately supports their unique role.

In most cultures, the breast carries a special significance. Breasts signify womanhood and femininity, the feeding of babies, and sexuality. The importance of women’s breasts and a diagnosis of #breast_cancer can render the journey through #diagnosis and #treatment especially difficult. Therefore, women who received a diagnosis of breast cancer should receive the highest level of holistic nursing care for as long as they need this support. Women’s accessibility to healthcare services varies depending on the country where they live. However, wherever they live, they are scared. They want to be informed and to be guided in learning about #surgical and reconstruction options. They want to be supported when they grieve for their removed breasts and hair loss. They do not want to have pain, vomiting, and hot flashes. When the treatment process ends, they want to ask questions and get answers that will help them begin their lives again. All women, no matter where they live, deserve information and support as they navigate the journey of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Yet, the reality is many countries do not have the same treatment infrastructure as other more developed countries.

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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fighting Breast Cancer

About one in eight women will develop #breastcancer during her lifetime, and aside from skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed #cancer in women. Although death rates from breast cancer have thankfully declined over the last several years, it's still important to check yourself for breast cancer. Breast Cancer can be devastating for any woman. If you are above 50, your struggle will increase significantly. There are a few things that you can do apart from the treatment that will help you fight breast cancer. This includes keeping your weight in check, being physically active, eating fruits and vegetables, avoid alcohol and cigarettes, etc. Getting yourself educated regarding breast cancer is the most important step. You need to learn all there is to learn about your cancer and what are the best ways to treat it. There are two types of patients. After getting diagnosed with cancer, some of them want to know everything they can immediately. Then there are others who aren't comfortable knowing too much about their condition. Whether you want to know everything about your condition or not, you need to talk to your #doctor and resolve all your queries. Write down all the questions you have before meeting with the doctor. It is always good to have a friend or a family member accompany you to your appointments. They not only provide support but also act as another set of ears. A friend is a much better option in this case because family members are too close to this and are as upset and emotionally vulnerable as the patient. Many cancer patients fear consciously or subconsciously that if they get upset about something, their family members or the doctors will abandon them. This fear multiplies tenfold when the patients are old because they know they will need their support. Speaking with other #survivors will not only give you hope but also help in getting the right treatment. Many previous cancer patients volunteer to help other #cancer patients with the same diagnosis. Breast cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer, but when it #metastasizes in its later stages, removing tumors becomes more difficult, which can have a significant effect on the survival rate.

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Monday, November 4, 2019

Breast Cancer Awareness

Simple blood test could spot #breast #cancer five years before any symptom. Experts said the method was “promising” and could be used to screen women, replacing #mammograms and allow treatment to start far earlier, when it is most likely to succeed. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, with around 55,000 #women diagnosed annually, and around 11,500 deaths. The new research, presented at the National Cancer Research Institute’s conference in Glasgow, found that a blood test could identify changes in the body’s immune response to substances produced by #tumour cells. Scientists said larger trials were expected to improve the accuracy of the test, which could become widely available within four years. Cancer cells produce proteins called #antigens that trigger the body to make #antibodies against them. These are called “#autoantibodies”. A blood test for early breast cancer detection would be cost effective, which would be of particular value in low and middle income countries. It would also be an easier screening method to implement compared to current methods.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Vigilance needed to Survive Breast cancer

#Breast_cancer is the most frequently occurring #cancer in women and the second most common cancer globally. Globally, more than two million new cases of breast cancer were reported in 2018. It’s estimated that about 7% of all breast cancer cases diagnosed occur in women under the age of 40. According to the American Cancer Society, about one in eight invasive breast cancers develop in women younger than 45, whereas two in three invasive breast cancers occur in #women aged 55 or older. Breast cancer occurrence also differs between patients diagnosed before and after menopause. Although breast cancer may occur in men, its occurrence is rare, and one in a thousand men may be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

Breast cancer is regarded as a #heterogeneous disease — the way it develops and affects individual patients varies greatly. Some breast cancer subtypes are #hormone-dependent. Breast cancer cells that possess #oestrogen receptors are defined as oestrogen-positive (ER+). #Breast_cancer cells containing progesterone receptors are called progesterone-positive (PR+) cancers. Hormone receptor-positive cancers occur more frequently. Hormone receptor-positive cancers also have improved prognosis. Hormone receptor-negative cancers may be more difficult to treat, and have the likelihood of a higher pathological grade.

Preventative surgery may decrease the risk of breast cancer, but does not provide a 100% certainty that the person will not develop cancer. Frequent surveillance and screenings should be considered. #Medication as preventative therapy may also be considered to assist high-risk women to decrease their risk of being diagnosed with cancer. The elimination of #cancer requires a combination of cancer awareness to address the burden of this disease — prevention strategies, contributing to early detection and promoting health and well-being education and the acceleration of science and discovery and progress in technology.

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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Breast Cancer Awareness: Different types of breast cancer

Globally Breast cancer is the most common type of #cancer in #women. All breast cancers are not the same, they vary, depending on whether they are #invasive which spread to surrounding areas or non-invasive contained in a particular area and a single #tumour or multifocal i.e. multiple tumours.

Triple-negative breast cancer

Each cell in our body has #receptors that link to proteins and other things to perform everyday functions. Research shows that three different kinds of receptors fuel the growth of most #breast_cancers which are estrogen receptors, #progesterone receptors and HER receptors. While estrogen and progesterone are female #hormones, HER-2 is a gene that produces growth proteins - cancer cells can use these proteins to grow.

None of these receptors plays a role in triple-negative breast cancer. This is a problem because this type of #cancer does not respond to the most common breast cancer treatments: first, hormone therapy which suppresses the function of both estrogen and progesterone receptors, and second, drugs that target the growth protein made by the HER-2 gene.

Medullary breast cancer

A rare but invasive type of #cancer that begins in the milk ducts (ductal carcinoma), it is so named because the affected tissues look soft and fleshy like the medulla in the #brain. Medullary #breast_cancer accounts for only 3-5% of the total breast cancer cases and mostly affects women in their 40s and 50s. It spreads slowly but does not affect any tissue outside the breast. It has a good prognosis - there’s a good chance that it can be treated.

Paget’s disease of the breast

Paget’s disease mostly affects the skin of the areola - the dark area surrounding the nipples. To make a diagnosis, doctors look for large cells, called #Paget’s cells, in the affected area. However, most patients also have one or more #tumours inside their breasts. Paget’s disease accounts for 1-4% of all breast cancer cases. Paget’s can affect women of all ages, from young teens to those in their 80s.

Basal-like breast cancer

This cancer gets its name from the fact that it shows up on the basal layer of the milk ducts in tests. It mostly affects younger women (below 40 years of age) and has a poor #prognosis.This type of breast cancer is often confused with #triple_negative_breast_cancer as it often doesn’t have any of the three breast cancer receptors. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, not all basal-like breast cancers are triple-negative. Also, basal cell type cancer has certain changes in proteins that are not seen in triple-negative type.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Breast cancer vaccine

Vaccines, also called vaccinations, are medicines that help the body fight disease. They can train the immune system to recognize and destroy harmful substances. There are 2 types of cancer vaccines: Prevention vaccines & Treatment vaccines. Cancer treatment vaccines, also called therapeutic vaccines, are a type of immunotherapy. The vaccines work to boost the body's natural defenses to fight a cancer. Doctors give treatment vaccines to people already diagnosed with cancer. The vaccines may: 
  • Prevent the cancer from coming back
  • Destroy any cancer cells still in the body after other treatments have ended
  • Stop a tumor from growing or spreading

Cancer treatment vaccines boost the immune system's ability to recognize and destroy antigens. Often, cancer cells have certain molecules called cancer-specific antigens on their surface that healthy cells do not have. When these molecules are given to a person, the molecules act as antigens. They stimulate the immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells that have these molecules on their surface. Most cancer vaccines also contain adjuvants, which are substances that may help strengthen the immune response.

Some cancer vaccines are made for individual patients. These types of vaccines are produced from the person's tumor sample. This means that surgery is needed to get a large enough sample of the tumor to create the vaccine. Other cancer vaccines target specific cancer antigens and are given to people whose tumors have those antigens on the surface of the tumor cells.

Clinical trials of an immunotherapy treatment for breast cancer showed positive signs, and the researchers hope to move to larger trials in coming years. Immunotherapies train the body's immune system to find and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells. Recent trials of immunotherapies for other cancers have also showed positive signs. A vaccine that prevents the recurrence and development of breast and ovarian cancers could become available in less than a decade, according to researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. The researchers developed an immunotherapy treatment that trains the immune system to recognize and kill breast cancer cells. Based on the results of early-stage clinical trials, the vaccine seems to have successfully removed cancer cells in one patient, and another is showing positive results. Mayo Clinic immunologists have also developed two other cancer vaccines for Triple Negative Breast Cancer and HER2 Positive Breast Cancer.
Since the 1990s, immunotherapies have increasingly become an area of interest among medical researchers who seek to defeat cancer without simultaneously destroying healthy cells in the body, as chemotherapy and radiation does. Immunotherapy is, in theory, is the ideal solution. But one major obstacle is that all cancers are different, so it's unclear when or whether immunotherapies will be able to treat the more than 100 types of cancer currently known to scientists. Still, researchers are currently exploring a variety of immunotherapies, and the global immunotherapy drug market is expected to grow to a valuation of $101.6 billion by 2023.

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Friday, October 11, 2019

Ignorance of Breast cancer signs

Breast cancer awareness!
The month of #October is globally observed as #Breast #Cancer #Awareness month. It is the most commonly present cancer among women, with over 2 million cases increasing every year, according to the World #Cancer_Research Fund.

Symptoms and signs of breast cancer!
Awareness and education can save many lives. Signs, found out early on, can help nip out #breast_cancer, like any other kind of cancer. Early warning #signs and preventive steps like these are essential for survival. While it is a crucial step to go for regular screenings, checkups, the truth is, people won't always know what breast cancer can look like. The signs vary and different people exhibit different symptoms.

Skin dimpling!
#Skin_dimpling is a less common sign of cancer but according to #doctors, this is one step no person should miss out on while checking for signs. A rash or a scab that can cause the skin to turn red, itchy and flaky is a sign of skin dimpling. In some cases, a severe form of skin dimpling or infection can also lead to swelling and thickening of the skin around the breasts, also accompanied by skin pits and inversion or retraction of the nipple.

Skin turning red or orange?
An abnormal #lump, leaky discharge or swelling isn't the only sign pointing to trouble. Another sign which people often ignore is skin dimpling.

Breast Cancer signs!
If your skin dimpling is accompanied by other signs like these, attend to it immediately
·        Swelling and warmness in and around the breast
·        #Breast_tenderness
·        Pain in the affected breast
·        Burning sensation or prickly feeling
·        Reddish, darkened appearance on either of the breasts

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Monday, September 30, 2019

Breast cancer Awareness Month in October

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a worldwide annual campaign taking place in #October, involving thousands of organizations to highlight the importance of breast awareness, education and research. The #Breast_Cancer_Awareness_Month, marked in countries across the world every October, helps to increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of this #disease.

There are about 1.38 million new cases and 458 000 deaths from breast cancer each year (IARC Globocan, 2008). #Breast_cancer is by far the most common #cancer in #women worldwide, both in the developed and developing countries. In low- and middle-income countries the incidence has been rising up steadily in the last years due to increase in life expectancy, increase urbanization and adoption of western lifestyles. Currently there is not sufficient knowledge on the causes of #breast #cancer; therefore, early detection of the disease remains the cornerstone of breast cancer control. When breast cancer is detected early, and if adequate diagnosis and treatment are available, there is a good chance that breast cancer can be cured. If detected late, however, curative treatment is often no longer an option. In such cases, #palliative care to relief the suffering of patients and their families is needed.

·        It is important to self-examine your breasts. Women should be aware as to how their breast normally look and feel. If you feel any change, then consult the doctor.
·        It is advisable for women who are around 40 to get their mammography done. #Mammography is a simple radiographic technique which helps in detecting irregularities in the breast tissue.
·        Addition of #vegetables and fruits in your #diet helps in maintaining a healthy body weight.
·        For new mothers, it is advisable to breastfeed their child at least for one year.
·        Don’t smoke or drink alcohol in excess.

#Breast #awareness is important for women of all ages, even if you’re having regular mammograms.
You don’t need to be an expert or use a special technique to check your breasts. Take the time to get to know the normal look and feel of your #breasts as part of everyday activities like showering, dressing, putting on body lotion or simply looking in the mirror. Knowing what is normal for you will help you to detect any new breast or nipple changes.
Breast changes to look out for include:
·        a new #lump or lumpiness, especially if it's only in one breast
·        a change in the size or shape of the breast
·        a change to the #nipple, such as crusting, #ulcer, redness or inversion
·        a nipple discharge that occurs without squeezing
·        a change in the skin of the breast such as #redness or dimpling
·        An unusual pain that doesn't go away.

Nine out of ten breast changes aren't due to cancer, but it’s important to see a doctor to be sure. If you find a breast change that is unusual for you, see your GP without delay.

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Monday, September 23, 2019

Breast cancer Immunotherapy

#Breast #cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer types among women globally. Globally, there were an estimated 2.1 million new cases of breast cancer and 630,000 deaths due to breast cancer in 2018. #Immunotherapy for #breast_cancer is developing rapidly as new studies demonstrate improved outcomes in subsets of breast cancer. Approximately 1 in 8 women and about 1 in 1,000 men will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their lives. Thus, the need for effective, lasting breast cancer treatment is urgent.

Increased risk for breast cancer is associated with a personal or family history of the #disease and inherited #genetic #mutations in breast cancer susceptibility #genes. These include #BRCA1 and #BRCA2 and other less common inherited gene mutations. An inherited predisposition to develop breast cancer accounts for approximately 5%-10% of all breast cancer cases, but is rare in the general population in less than 1%. Women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations have an estimated 45% to 65% higher risk of developing breast cancer by age 70, though the risk is highest around age 40. People with these mutations should discuss their risk with a genetic counsellor. Other known risk factors include #obesity, use of MHT (a hormone therapy that combines #progestin and #estrogen), high breast tissue density, alcohol consumption, and physical inactivity.

One challenge of #immunotherapy is that it can cause substantial side effects, including life-threatening ones. The most common immunotherapy side effects are #skin_reactions, such as redness and blistering, and flu-like symptoms, such as #fever, nausea, #weakness, and body aches. Different types of immunotherapy can cause different side effects. Another challenge is the high cost of this treatment.

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