Monday, December 9, 2019

Hair dyes and straighteners may increase breast cancer risk

Using permanent hair dye and/or hair straightening products may increase one’s risk of developing breast cancer, a new study claims. The risk was found to particularly impact black women based on data from more than 46,700 women who participated in the Sister Study. All of the women were likewise at genetic risk of developing breast cancer, which is itself a risk factor. It was also revealed that white women who dyed their hair had a seven percent higher chance of getting breast cancer. Black women who dyed their hair, however, had a 45 percent increased risk. One of the hypotheses is that products marketed to dye a black woman's hair might be different than the products used for white women's hair. It's also possible that the application method or the amount of dye required might be influencing the difference.

Research on this topic is vast but has been, until recently, fairly inconclusive, with some studies showing risk and others showing no risk. The latest study points toward more recent research that has found increased risk of developing both breast cancer and bladder cancer in association with permanent hair dye. Fewer studies have looked into the cancer risks of chemical hair straighteners, however, which are most commonly used by black women. The use of these products may explain why breast cancer risk was found to be substantially higher in women of African descent versus white women. Questions remain, such as what influence the frequency of use has on risk, as well as whether it’s potentially safer to use hair dyes and highlighters that do not contact the skin. As with any observational study, it is impossible to determine whether or not a factor is causal. The observed relationship might be dependent on other factors that the analysis could not account for. Another potential issue is that every participant in the study had at least one first-degree relative who has experienced breast cancer.

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