Monday, November 4, 2019

Breast Cancer Awareness

Simple blood test could spot #breast #cancer five years before any symptom. Experts said the method was “promising” and could be used to screen women, replacing #mammograms and allow treatment to start far earlier, when it is most likely to succeed. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, with around 55,000 #women diagnosed annually, and around 11,500 deaths. The new research, presented at the National Cancer Research Institute’s conference in Glasgow, found that a blood test could identify changes in the body’s immune response to substances produced by #tumour cells. Scientists said larger trials were expected to improve the accuracy of the test, which could become widely available within four years. Cancer cells produce proteins called #antigens that trigger the body to make #antibodies against them. These are called “#autoantibodies”. A blood test for early breast cancer detection would be cost effective, which would be of particular value in low and middle income countries. It would also be an easier screening method to implement compared to current methods.

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#Breast_Cancer_congress_2020 #Zurich #Switzerland #June15-17_2020 #Breast #cancer #Awareness #October #Breast_cancer #Immunotherapy #chemotherapy #Tumor #Breast_Surgery #mastectomy #carcinoma #Breast_conference #Keynote #Oral_sessions

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