Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fighting Breast Cancer

About one in eight women will develop #breastcancer during her lifetime, and aside from skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed #cancer in women. Although death rates from breast cancer have thankfully declined over the last several years, it's still important to check yourself for breast cancer. Breast Cancer can be devastating for any woman. If you are above 50, your struggle will increase significantly. There are a few things that you can do apart from the treatment that will help you fight breast cancer. This includes keeping your weight in check, being physically active, eating fruits and vegetables, avoid alcohol and cigarettes, etc. Getting yourself educated regarding breast cancer is the most important step. You need to learn all there is to learn about your cancer and what are the best ways to treat it. There are two types of patients. After getting diagnosed with cancer, some of them want to know everything they can immediately. Then there are others who aren't comfortable knowing too much about their condition. Whether you want to know everything about your condition or not, you need to talk to your #doctor and resolve all your queries. Write down all the questions you have before meeting with the doctor. It is always good to have a friend or a family member accompany you to your appointments. They not only provide support but also act as another set of ears. A friend is a much better option in this case because family members are too close to this and are as upset and emotionally vulnerable as the patient. Many cancer patients fear consciously or subconsciously that if they get upset about something, their family members or the doctors will abandon them. This fear multiplies tenfold when the patients are old because they know they will need their support. Speaking with other #survivors will not only give you hope but also help in getting the right treatment. Many previous cancer patients volunteer to help other #cancer patients with the same diagnosis. Breast cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer, but when it #metastasizes in its later stages, removing tumors becomes more difficult, which can have a significant effect on the survival rate.

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