Monday, September 30, 2019

Breast cancer Awareness Month in October

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a worldwide annual campaign taking place in #October, involving thousands of organizations to highlight the importance of breast awareness, education and research. The #Breast_Cancer_Awareness_Month, marked in countries across the world every October, helps to increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of this #disease.

There are about 1.38 million new cases and 458 000 deaths from breast cancer each year (IARC Globocan, 2008). #Breast_cancer is by far the most common #cancer in #women worldwide, both in the developed and developing countries. In low- and middle-income countries the incidence has been rising up steadily in the last years due to increase in life expectancy, increase urbanization and adoption of western lifestyles. Currently there is not sufficient knowledge on the causes of #breast #cancer; therefore, early detection of the disease remains the cornerstone of breast cancer control. When breast cancer is detected early, and if adequate diagnosis and treatment are available, there is a good chance that breast cancer can be cured. If detected late, however, curative treatment is often no longer an option. In such cases, #palliative care to relief the suffering of patients and their families is needed.

·        It is important to self-examine your breasts. Women should be aware as to how their breast normally look and feel. If you feel any change, then consult the doctor.
·        It is advisable for women who are around 40 to get their mammography done. #Mammography is a simple radiographic technique which helps in detecting irregularities in the breast tissue.
·        Addition of #vegetables and fruits in your #diet helps in maintaining a healthy body weight.
·        For new mothers, it is advisable to breastfeed their child at least for one year.
·        Don’t smoke or drink alcohol in excess.

#Breast #awareness is important for women of all ages, even if you’re having regular mammograms.
You don’t need to be an expert or use a special technique to check your breasts. Take the time to get to know the normal look and feel of your #breasts as part of everyday activities like showering, dressing, putting on body lotion or simply looking in the mirror. Knowing what is normal for you will help you to detect any new breast or nipple changes.
Breast changes to look out for include:
·        a new #lump or lumpiness, especially if it's only in one breast
·        a change in the size or shape of the breast
·        a change to the #nipple, such as crusting, #ulcer, redness or inversion
·        a nipple discharge that occurs without squeezing
·        a change in the skin of the breast such as #redness or dimpling
·        An unusual pain that doesn't go away.

Nine out of ten breast changes aren't due to cancer, but it’s important to see a doctor to be sure. If you find a breast change that is unusual for you, see your GP without delay.

For more details please follow the link:
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#Breast_Cancer_congress_2020 #Zurich #Switzerland #June 15-17, 2020 #Breast #cancer #Awareness #October #Breast_cancer #Immunotherapy #chemotherapy #Tumor #Breast_Surgery #mastectomy #carcinoma #Breast_conference #Keynote #Oral_sessions

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