Sunday, September 8, 2019

Breast Cancer Chemotherapy

#Chemotherapy is a powerful treatment that involves taking medications to damage #cancerous cells. The goal is to prevent these cells from dividing and multiplying.
Chemotherapy for breast cancer uses drugs to target and destroy breast cancer cells. These #drugs are usually given directly into a vein through a needle or as a pill. Chemotherapy for #breast_cancer frequently is used in addition to other treatments, such as #surgery, #radiation or #hormone_therapy. Receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer may increase the chance of a cure, decrease the risk of the cancer returning, alleviate symptoms from the cancer or help people with #cancer live longer with a better quality of life. If the cancer has recurred or spread, chemotherapy may control the breast cancer to help you live longer. Or it can help ease symptoms the #cancer is causing.

Cancer survival rates are one way to show how effective various treatments, including chemotherapy, can be. A survival rate refers to the percentage of people who live for a certain amount of time after a cancer diagnosis. Survival rates can also help people gain an understanding of their outlook because they provide information about the likely outcomes of people with similar cancers.

Preventive medications reduce the risk of breast cancer in #women with a high risk of the #disease. They usually include estrogen-blocking medications, such as selective estrogen receptor modulators and aromatase inhibitors. These medications carry a risk of side effects, so doctors reserve these medications for women who have a high risk of breast cancer.

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