Friday, October 11, 2019

Ignorance of Breast cancer signs

Breast cancer awareness!
The month of #October is globally observed as #Breast #Cancer #Awareness month. It is the most commonly present cancer among women, with over 2 million cases increasing every year, according to the World #Cancer_Research Fund.

Symptoms and signs of breast cancer!
Awareness and education can save many lives. Signs, found out early on, can help nip out #breast_cancer, like any other kind of cancer. Early warning #signs and preventive steps like these are essential for survival. While it is a crucial step to go for regular screenings, checkups, the truth is, people won't always know what breast cancer can look like. The signs vary and different people exhibit different symptoms.

Skin dimpling!
#Skin_dimpling is a less common sign of cancer but according to #doctors, this is one step no person should miss out on while checking for signs. A rash or a scab that can cause the skin to turn red, itchy and flaky is a sign of skin dimpling. In some cases, a severe form of skin dimpling or infection can also lead to swelling and thickening of the skin around the breasts, also accompanied by skin pits and inversion or retraction of the nipple.

Skin turning red or orange?
An abnormal #lump, leaky discharge or swelling isn't the only sign pointing to trouble. Another sign which people often ignore is skin dimpling.

Breast Cancer signs!
If your skin dimpling is accompanied by other signs like these, attend to it immediately
·        Swelling and warmness in and around the breast
·        #Breast_tenderness
·        Pain in the affected breast
·        Burning sensation or prickly feeling
·        Reddish, darkened appearance on either of the breasts

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#Breast_Cancer_congress_2020 #Zurich #Switzerland #June15-17_2020 #Breast #cancer #Awareness #october #Breast_cancer #Immunotherapy #chemotherapy #Tumor #Breast_Surgery #mastectomy #carcinoma #Breast_conference #Keynote #Oral_sessions

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