A new study suggests that patients with
breast cancer who take additional
vitamins during chemotherapy treatment may
face increased risks. Researchers said the use of dietary supplements that
increase levels of antioxidants; iron, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids
appeared to lower the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Some doctors have been
advising patients for a number of years not to take antioxidants during
chemotherapy. In the earlier research, people who took part were asked about
their use of supplements at the beginning of and during treatment, and about
their lifestyle, diet and exercise. The researchers searched for other
possibilities that might increase the risk of the disease reappearing or of
death. They found that patients who took any supplements at the beginning of
and during chemotherapy were 41 % more likely to have their
breast cancer
return than those who did not. In addition, the supplement takers were 40 %
more likely to die later on compared to patients using no supplements. The
supplements included vitamin A, C and E. Those taking vitamin B12 and iron
supplements were at greater risk of cancer returning, the researchers said.
Women taking vitamin B12 were 83 % more likely to experience a return of their
disease and 22 % more likely to die from it than those not taking those
supplements. Those taking omega-3 supplements were 67% more likely to have the
disease return. That percentage rose to 79 for those taking iron supplements.
#Breast_Cancer_congress_2020 #Zurich
#Switzerland #June15-17_2020 #breastcancer
#breastcancertreatment #malebreastcancer #breastsurgery #chemotherapy
#breastcancerresearch #breastdisease #Immunotherapy #Tumor #mastectomy
#carcinoma #Breast_conference #Keynote #Oral_sessions